Continuing Education

Attention CE Requirment Update - Jan 1, 2025

Effective January 1, 2025 the Minimum Standard for Continuing Education, 21 NCAC 66 .0206, has been update,. Please see the updated rule for details.

Attention EXEMPTION: You are exempt from CE requirements for your FIRST renewal cycle if you graduate the same year you become licensed / registered in North Carolina.

Attention VETERINARIANS EXEMPT from 8-hour training requirement on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders for all DEA-registered practitioners (The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023).

Attention FYI re: 2025 Renewals
Standard CE Requirements

To ensure you are receiving various emails (e.g.  Renewal Reminders, Important Notices, Regulatory Bulletins, etc.) that are sent from this office, you may want to consider adding this email address to your CONTACTS ( so there's less likelihood of the email going into your Junk/Spam folder.

Veterinarian Renewal

  • Expires annually
    Renewal window opens Nov. 1st
  • License Renewal Status:
    1. ACTIVE until Dec 31st
    2. ACTIVE/PENDING Jan 1st - Jan 31st
    3. ACTIVE/LATE Feb 1st - Feb 28/29th
    4. REVOKED on Mar 1st (Status will read ‘Revoked – Failed to Renew’)
  • FACULTY License Renewal Status:
    1. ACTIVE until Jun 14th
    2. ACTIVE/PENDING Jun 15th - Jul 14th
    3. ACTIVE/LATE Jul 15th - Aug 14th
    4. REVOKED on Aug 15th (Status will read ‘Revoked – Failed to Renew’)
  • Continuing Education: To be obtained prior to licensee's expiration date. Proof of twenty (20) hours required each year - Ten (10) on-line hours of training will be accepted during each renewal, however, five (5) of those hours will need to be 'interactive'. (live webinar) Minimum CE Standards .0206
  • Beginning 2020: Two (2) hours of CE on the 'abuse of controlled substances' will be required per renewal cycle; these 2 hours are included in the total number of CE hours.
  • Opioid controlled substance CE should include one (1) of the following:
    1. Controlled substances prescribing practices
    2. Recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances
    3. Controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management

Veterinary Technician Renewal

  • Expires biennially (every 2 years) at the end of the year; renewal time is dependent upon the initial year of registration
    Renewal window opens Nov. 1st
  • Registration Renewal Status:
    1. ACTIVE until Dec 31st
    2. ACTIVE/PENDING Jan 1st - Jan 31st
    3. ACTIVE/LATE Feb 1st - Feb 28/29th
    4. REVOKED on Mar 1st (Status will read ‘Revoked – Failed to Renew’)
  • Continuing Education: To be obtained prior to licensee's expiration date. Proof of twelve (12) hours required every two (2) years - Six (6) on-line hours of training will be accepted during each renewal, however, three (3) of those hours will need to be 'interactive'. (live webinar) Minimum CE Standards .0206
  • Beginning 2020: Two (2) hours of CE on the 'abuse of controlled substances' will be required per renewal cycle; these 2 hours are included in the total number of CE hours.
  • Opioid controlled substance CE should include one (1) of the following:
    1. Controlled substances prescribing practices
    2. Recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances
    3. Controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management

If this is your first time renewing, you'll need to log into your personal accout via the Licensure Gateway. Once logged in, click on the business card looking item with the word(s) 'Veterinarian' or 'Veterinary Technician'; this will open up another window with multiple options. Select 'Click here to renew now' option to begin your renewal application submission.

NOTE You may access your account year-round to add CE, update your personal information (except name changes) or print a copy of your license or registration certificate.


Continuing Education Information

  • VETERINARIANS: CE to be obtained prior to licensee's expiration date. A total of 20 CE hours required per renewal cycle. Ten (10) hours of computer based training will be accepted during each renewal, however, five (5) of those hours will need to be 'interactive'; this is in accordance with Administrative Code .0206 (7). Beginning in 2020, renewals will require two (2) hours of CE on the 'abuse of controlled substances'; these 2 hours are included in the total number of CE hours.
  • TECHNICIANS: CE to be obtained prior to licensee's expiration date. A total of 12 CE hours required per renewal cycle. Six (6) hours of computer based training will be accepted during each renewal, however, three (3) of those hours will need to be 'interactive'; this is in accordance with Administrative Code .0206 (7). Beginning in 2020, renewals require two (2) hours of CE on the 'abuse of controlled substances'; these 2 hours are included in the total number of CE hours.
    Opioid controlled substance CE should include one (1) of the following:
        1. Controlled substances prescribing practices
        2. Recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances
        3. Controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management
  • The Board does not accept attendance in exhibit halls as credits.
  • Credits may be earned by completion of independent self-study courses.
  • Credits not obtained during the appropriate calendar year (years for technicians) (Faculty: Credits not obtained during the appropriate fiscal year) will incur a $50.00 penalty.
  • University/College Internship programs need prior Board approval before being used as CE credit. Written documentation on the University/College program is recommended and should be kept on file should you be randomly selected for a CE audit.
  • CE AUDIT: Random CE audits will be conducted per renewal cycle.
    - Each veterinarian and veterinary technician shall keep a record (certificate of attendance) for the three (3) most recent renewal periods of the content of courses submitted to the Board for continuing education credit hours.
    - CE records (certificate of attendance) must be provided to the Board upon request.
    - If evidence of Board approved CE completion cannot be provided during an audit, the license cannot be renewed and faces revocation.

CE Web Links




CE on the Abuse of Controlled Substances

    2 Hours required per renewal cycle
    Opioid controlled substance CE should include one (1) of the following:
    1. Controlled substances prescribing practices
    2. Recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances
    3. Controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management

  • VetBloom: The Prescription and Use of Opioids in Small Animal Patients (2 On-line hours = 1.5 hr. presentation + .5 hr. exam)
  • NCVMA: 2024 Two Hour Opioid Webinar  (Link: )
  • CDC: Topics on Opioids (On-line)
  • NCPHP: Controlled Substance CE Video  (2 On-line hours = 1.5 hr. presentation + .5 hr. exam) FREE
  • Drip Learning Technologies, LLC: Opioid 411 (2 On-line hours)
  • VIN: Opioid 411 (2 On-line hours)
  • AVMA | Axon: Managing Controlled Substances (1 On-line hour)
  • AVMA | Axon: Opioid Compliance (1 On-line hour)
  • RACE: Controlled Substance Management in Veterinary Medicine (2 On-line hours) FREE


    Request a CE Hardship Extension

    Per .0206 (4), an individual may request an extension of time to obtain continuing education. They will need to provide evidence (documentation) of a medical emergency, natural disaster or evidence of other circumstances which constituted a severe and verifiable hardship. The NCVMB required CE Hardship Request Form is to be submitted to at the Board office for review.

    Individuals Seeking Pre-Approval

    The Board recommends an individual seeking CE credits to contact the Provider of the program first to see if pre-approval has been granted by NCVMB. An individual may inquire if a program can be used as CE credit by selecting the form below.

    Individual Approval Form
    : Inquiry form submitted by Veterinarian or Technician - please mail, fax or e-mail to

    NOTE: If you are the program provider, please select the 'Provider Form' below.

    CE Providers Seeking Pre-Approval

    Providers are required to present each individual who has completed the program with a certificate showing the number of credit hours as approved by the NCVMB. Approval of future programs depends on compliance with Board requirements. Failure to do so could result in approval of programs to be withdrawn. Should any changes be made to the CE program, the Board will need to have prior notification in writing of those changes. Preferably, information on a program should be submitted to the Board office a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the presentation.

    Provider Form
    : Pre-Approval provider request form - please mail, fax or e-mail to


  1. Licensing / Registration
  2. Continuing Education
  3. Practice Facilities
  4. Corporations
  5. Forms and Applications
  6. Professionals Health Program
  7. Useful Links
  8. Variety of Information for Professionals
  9. FAQs
  10. DEA’s Questions & Answers
  11. Discussing and prescribing marijuana-based substances with clients: An attorney's take | dvm360 | Jan 16, 2019 | By Christopher J. Allen, DVM, JD | Marijuana: A "no-win" scenario
  12. Information for Practice Facility Owners
  13. Report Loss/Theft of Controlled Substance(s)

Contact Us

Phone: 919-854-5601
Fax: 919-854-5606

1611 Jones Franklin Rd, Ste 106
Raleigh, NC 27606