About Us
The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board (NCVMB), a state regulatory and consumer protection agency, was created in 1903 by an act of the StateThe NCVMB does this by:
2022 - 2026
January 11th
February 29th
April 12th: Emergency Meeting
May 9th
July 11th
August 19th
September 12th
October 8th - Emergency Meeting at 11:00 AM
NCDA&CS Request
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 959 384 7865
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Meeting ID: 959 384 7865
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November 7th
MEETINGS BEGIN: 8:00AM at the Board Office
1611 Jones Franklin Rd.
Suite 106
Raleigh, NC 27606
Important to Know
Tropical Storm Helene 60-Day Temporary Permit Information
Status Of WNC Veterinary Facilities
Fall Regulatory Bulletin
Temporary Permit Information/Facility Permit and Boarding Kennel Permit Update
General maintenance prescriptions for animals under the care of a veterinarian, in the disaster area, may be refilled at any veterinary facility under the following conditions:
(This does not apply to controlled substance medications.)
• The veterinarian refilling the prescription has the discretion to refill the prescription or not.
• The facility refilling the prescription should keep detailed documentation.
• The facility refilling the prescription must notify the prescriber that a refill has been done. (Recommend email)
FYI re: 2025 Renewals
Standard CE Requirements
Reminder emails are randomly sent so be sure you keep your address updated. Consider adding this email address to your CONTACTS (kwest@ncvmb.org) so there's less likelihood of the reminder going into your Junk/Spam folder.
Periodic Review Existing Rules Public Comment Results
G.S. 1508-21.3A Report
Public Comment Correspondence
Veterinary Telemedicine .0211
Importation of Rabbits into NC
STOP Act Information
per 90-113.74(d)
Dispensing of controlled substances require reporting to NC DHHS CSRS. You may contact the CSRS Utilization team with questions / concerns at CSRS.Utilization@dhhs.nc.gov
FAQ Sheet
DHHS Radiation Protection Memo
Registrant Requirement to Verify Service Provider Registration
The Opioid Epidemic: What Veterinarians Need to Know
(US Food & Drug Administration)
FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including CBD
Quick Links
1. ON-LINE License / Facility VERIFICATION
Check on your Veterinarian's or Facility's Status
2. How to File a Complaint
Self Evaluation Checklist
4. Contact Us
5. NCVMB Instagram
6. NCVMB X (Twitter)
7. Personal Health & Wellness
8. Donate to NCPHP for Impaired Veterinary Professionals
9. MAP of Facility Inspection Regions
10. Coping with the Loss of a Pet
11. Report Animal Cruelty
12. Pet Food, Product Recalls & Alerts
13. License Verification Request
To request a verification, log into your personal Licensure Gateway account and select Applications / License Verification Request. Once you pay the fee, it is IMMEDIATELY e-mailed to the selected Board(s) and you will receive a copy as confirmation.
If you DO NOT have a personal Licensure Gateway account, you will need to submit this paper application form via US mail. Paper Request
14. Change your Legal Name:
Log into the Licensure Gateway to make the request. Must upload supporting legal document(s) at time of request.
(e.g. Social Security Card, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree, etc.) SELECT: My Profile | Name Change
15. Print copy of your License
16. Apply for a NC License
17. Start a new Practice
18. Start a new Corporation
19. Practice Act
Laws & Regulations
20. President's Letters
21. All Veterinarians are required to report the following diseases: