Useful Links
International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA) - Bismark, ND
Formerly the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (NBVME)
Website: ICVA
Information on the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE)
Phone: (701) 224-0332
The American Association of Veterinary State Boards - Kansas City, MO
- North Americal Veterinary Licensure Examination (NAVLE) score transfer information
Phone: (877) 698-8482 or (816) 931-1504 - Information for graduates from non-accredited veterinary schools/colleges - PAVE
American Veterinary Medical Association
- List of AVMA Accredited Veterinary Schools/Colleges for Veterinarians
- Information for graduates from non-accredited veterinary schools/colleges - ECFVG
North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association
Offers continuing education; handles legislative matters; has an ethics and grievance committee available to members only.
Phone: (800) 446-2862 or (919) 851-5850
Website: NCVMA
Pet Travel
Animal Health Certificates for Travel
Find an Accredited Veterinarian
Export Live Animals other than Pets
International Regulations
Veterinary Accreditation Information
Accreditation Program
Phone: (919) 855-7700 or (919) 855-7100
NVAP Coordinators by State
The NC State Veterinarian's Office receives many questions about what Health Certificates can be used to export animals to other states. NC Dept. of Agriculture has compiled the following list of paper and electronic certificates of veterinary inspection that are approved for exporting animals from North Carolina.
NCDA&CS issues a paper, livestock and poultry interstate certificate of veterinary inspection for a fee. It does not provide for companion animal interstate movement. To order ICVIs, call 919.707.3250.
The following electronic certificates of veterinary inspection have been approved for use in North Carolina by the State Veterinarian's Office
1. VSPS is administered by the USDA APHIS
2. VSPS is FREE to all users
3. VSPS can be used to create Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI) for large animals
4. VSPS is approved in all 50 states
5. VSPS does not currently provide ICVIs or laboratory testing forms for companion animals such as cats and dogs
View the VSPS website PDF for more information
GlobalVetLINK, LLC (GVL)
1. Accredited Practitioners may subscribe to GVL for a monthly access fee and a per certificate usage fee. Veterinary Assistants and other practice staff are free of charge;
2. Animal owners can access their certificates for free through MyVetLINK
3. Allows practitioners and their clients uninterrupted access to their records online
4. Creates ICVIs for small and large animals
5. Meets USDA requirements and regulations, accepted by all 50 states
6. Precise identification including digital photos and brand images
7. Mobile capability
Visit GlobalVetLINK or call 515.817.5703 to create an account
AgView CVI
1. Creates ICVIs for small and large animals
2. Offers a user-friendly interface for digitally entering animal health certificate data
3. ICVIs can be created offline, allowing veterinarians to use their mobile device to create ICVIs in the field
4. Beginning January 1, 2019, there is a flat rate charge of $3.00 per ICVI written
5. Clinic accounts allow for veterinarian and animal health support staff to collaborate on ICVI creation and submission, creating a more efficient ICVI process for practices
6. AgView is available on iOS, Android, and desktop platforms
7. Creates ICVIs for small and large animals
Visit the AgView CVI website or TAMU for more information.
NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Veterinary Division)
Veterinarians are required to report the diagnosis of certain diseases to the State Veterinarian
Phone: (919) 707-3250
Memo from NC State Veterinarian re: COVID
- Livestock Phone: (919) 707-3250
- Animal Welfare Section Phone: (919) 707-3280
- Spay & Neuter Program
- FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
- Veterinary Division
- Veterinary Feed Directive
STOP Act Information per 90-113.74(d)
G. S. 90-106. Prescriptions and Labeling
Opioid Safety STOP Act Comparison Chart
CDC’s Guidelines of Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
Gabapentin FAQ for Veterinarian Medicine Prescribers
Controlled Substance Reporting System: Dispensing of controlled substances require reporting to the NC DHHS CSRS. You may notify the CSRS Utilization team for questions / concerns at
The issues of CBDs
Consider this...
FDA warns 15 companies for illegally selling various products containing cannabidiol as agency details safety concerns
FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including CBD
Privilege License is no longer required for Veterinarians
Effective July 1, 2024
American Veterinary Medical Association AVMA
List of AVMA accredited college/school programs for Veterinary Technicians
The American Association of Veterinary State Boards AAVSB
Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE) score transfer information
Phone: (877) 698-8482
How to prepare for the VTNE
North Carolina Association of Veterinary Technicians NCAVT
Personal Health & Wellness Resources
Includes 'After Hours' Contact Information
NC DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services
Divison of Public Health / Epidemiology (RABIES)
Phone: (919) 733-3419 also AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY
- Rabies Tag Order Form | Alerts & Hot Topics | Manuals & Guides | Support Services
- Certified Rabies Vaccinator
- Occupational & Environmental Epidemiology
- Vaccination Requirements & Guidelines
- Diseases & Topics
Began June 3, 2019 Read more re: STOP Act...
1. User Support Manual
2. Quick Reference Guide
3. MODULE-1: Registration Login & Add New Users
4. MODULE-2: Data Submission
DHHS E-mail:
DHHS Phone: 855.962.4767
NC DHHS - Drug Control Unit
State agency that registers and inspects facilities if two (2) or more veterinarians work out of the same cache of controlled drugs.
Customer Service Center: 800.662.7030
NC DHHS - Radiation Protection Section
Phone: (919) 814-2250
- Steps to Install X-Ray Equipment / Register a Facility
- Registration Memorandum
- MEMO re: Registrant Requirement to Verify Service Provider Registration
USP 800
In North Carolina, the enforcement of USP 800 will be through OSHA and/or the NC Board of Pharmacy
Consensus Statement on the Handling of Hazardous Drugs per USP Chapter <800>
An excellent informational piece from Blue Pearl regarding USP 800 and Veterinarians.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
FAQ - Animal Importation / Exportation
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations
Federal agency that registers veterinarians for controlled substances.
Every person or entity that handles controlled substances must be registered with DEA or be exempt by regulation from registration. To obtain a DEA registration, a practitioner must apply using a DEA-Form 224.
DEA Practioner's Manual
VETERINARIANS EXEMPT from 8-hour training requirement on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders for all DEA-registered practitioners (The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023).
Greensboro, NC Phone: (336) 547-4219
Registration Assistance Phone: (888) 869-9935
Diversion Control Division
Atlanta, GA Phone: (404) 893-7165
Field Office Contact Search
- Registration Q&A
- Use of hospital's DEA number: Read more... PAGE 43
- New Registration Application
- Registration Renewals
- Electronic Prescription Requirements
- Forms & Applications
- Theft/Loss of controlled substances must be reported to DEA. Submit DEA Form-106 and follow all DEA regulations regarding this matter.
The NC Drug Control Unit advises registrants to submit a copy of the DEA Form 106 to our office at the address below. In addition, all registrants may contact their local or state law enforcement agencies.
ATTN: Drug Control Unit
Mail Service Center 3008
Raleigh, NC 27699 - Form-222 used for ordering Schedule I and II controlled substances.
Q&A re: DEA Form-222
Example of DEA Form-222 created by Midwest Veterinary Supply
ATTENTION: As of October 30, 2021, the Drug Enforcement Administration is implementing the mandatory use of a single sheet DEA 222 Order Form and the triplicate DEA Order Forms will no longer be available or utilized as stated in the Code of Federal Regulations §1305.20(a).
If you are needing to place an order for the newly implemented DEA Order Forms, please use the following link to complete your request
If you are needing to relinquish unused triplicate DEA Order Forms, please send them to DEA Registration Section, 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22152.
- Disposing Controlled Substances / Expired Narcotics - Do not throw them away with your office trash!
DEA Drug Disposal Information
How do I dispose of expired/unwanted substances?
Contact a NC-DCU agent at 984-236-5100 or e-mail and submit DEA Form-41 to the DEA office, using a DEA registered controlled substances disposal form OR re-distribute to the original supplying/manufacturing company where the chemical was obtained.
Pharma Logistics (Illinois)
(847) 837-1224

Heartworm Guidelines
NC Division of Waste Management
Phone: (919) 707-8200
1. Solid Waste Section (Disposal of Sharps)
2. Medical Waste Section
3. Hazardous Waste Section
4. Alternative Medical Waste Treatment Technologies Section
US Department of Labor -
Washington, DC
Phone: (800) 321-6742
Website: OSHA
NC Department of Labor
Phone: (919) 807-2796 or (800) 625-2267
Website: NCDOL
NC Board of Pharmacy
Phone: (919) 246-1050
- Website: NCBOP
- Compounding Title 21 | Chapter 46 | Section .2800
- Pharmacy Compounding FAQs
US Food and Drug Administration -
Silver Springs, MD
Phone: (888) 463-6332
Website: FDA
- Licensing / Registration
- Continuing Education
- Practice Facilities
- Corporations
- Forms and Applications
- Professionals Health Program
- Useful Links
- Variety of Information for Professionals
- FAQs
- DEA’s Questions & Answers
- Discussing and prescribing marijuana-based substances with clients: An attorney's take | dvm360 | Jan 16, 2019 | By Christopher J. Allen, DVM, JD | Marijuana: A "no-win" scenario
- Information for Practice Facility Owners
- Report Loss/Theft of Controlled Substance(s)
Contact Us
Phone: 919-854-5601
Fax: 919-854-5606
1611 Jones Franklin Rd, Ste 106
Raleigh, NC 27606