The NC Veterinary Medical Board

Azure Holland, DVM

Allen Cannedy, DVM

Robin Lazaro, RVT
Sec / Treas

Ronald Komich, DVM

A. Gentry-Apple, DVM

Timothy Gold

Ed Faulkner, DVM

Michael Martin, DVM
The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board is an Occupational Licensing Board of the State and was established in 1903. The Board is responsible for governing the practice of veterinary medicine. Its primary responsibilities are examination of applicants, issuing and renewing licenses/registrations, formal complaints, practice name approvals, and inspections of all veterinary practices throughout the State.
The Board consists of eight (8) members; these members are appointed by the Governor, the Speaker of the House, President Pro Tempore, and the Commissioner of Agriculture.
- The Governor appoints five (5) members to the Board, four (4) North Carolina licensed veterinarians and one (1) member who will not be licensed or registered in the State of North Carolina; each serves a five (5) year term.
- The President Pro Tempore appoints one (1) North Carolina licensed veterinarian who serves a five (5) year term.
- The Speaker of the House appoints a North Carolina registered veterinary technician who serves a five (5) year term.
- The Commissioner of Agriculture shall biennially appoint to the Board the State Veterinarian or another veterinarian from a staff of a North Carolina department or institution.
2025 Board Meetings
January 16th
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Phone: 919-854-5601
Fax: 919-854-5606
1611 Jones Franklin Rd, Ste 106
Raleigh, NC 27606